Client Gallery
Page Three
Thanks to all the wonderful owners who keep me updated on their Labradors. I love hearing from everyone and enjoy seeing the great photos. Keep ’em coming!
He’s doing great! Yes, he’s getting big and powerful. We’re so happy with him.
“Ryder” (Logan x Wynk)

“Can I ask you something, Benny?”
“Sure kid.”
(Baker from the “Storm” litter on the left and Benny from the “O” litter on the right)
“Baker” (Lincoln x Tisket)
Daisy encounters a mirror for the first time. Watch how hard she tries to get the ‘other’ puppy to play with her.
“Daisy” (Lincoln x Tisket)

Jenny earning her WC after finishing her JH and SHR titles.
“Jenny” (Bru x Tisket)
We are so happy with Bodan. He is such a love bug and Ry loves having a pal again.
“Bodan” (Logan x Wynk)

This is a great puppy. Love him beyond words. Thank you.
“Boomer” (Lincoln x Tisket)
We are so in love with Koa and you should see him retrieve his birds and swim!! Everyone loves him when they meet him and comment on how handsome he is.
“Koa” (Lincoln x Tisket)

Bridger’s on the left. Chester (his uncle) is on the right. And that’s Sam in the middle. Sam and Bridger are best friends. Bridger sleeps with him every night!
“Bridger” (Bru x Tisket)
Dwight LOVES swimming! We’ve taken him a couple times to the lake and he gets very excited walking to the shore.
“Dwight” (Rummy x Allie)

We’re having a lot of fun having a silly little puppy back in the house. It’s pretty amazing how something so small can fill up a house.
“Jenny” (Bru x Tisket)
She saw the vet yesterday. I thought you’d love to hear the comment. “I’ve seen thousands of puppies. This one is very special. One of the finest I’ve ever seen”.
“Babe” (Boz x Ouija)

I thought I would send some photos and of the boys. Logan is a good uncle!
“Peyton” (Boz x Ouija)
I wanted to give you a quick update on maverick. He is extremely adventurous and has already figured out the stairs and is close to getting on the couch by himself for snuggles. He has done pretty good adjusting. The first night he was able to sleep as long as a hand was in the crate. Second night just staying beside it. Now he is good for 4 hours then a break and 4 more hours. What a sweety. I forgot how good it feels to come home to puppy love.
“Maverick” (Boz x Ouija)

Strummer has really intelligent and high-level social conscious. She really reads other dogs well. They are so much fun!
“Strummer” (Rider x Lily)
He has done quite a bit of duck hunting this year and has done very well. He learned that “game” very quickly and really enjoys watching ducks working the decoys. He really likes water and his water retrieves are normally pretty good. We will be spending more time this year on his upland training and retrieving. He has a wonderful disposition and fits into the family great. He is such a great companion.
“Cap” (Breaker x Lily)

This is a picture of Paul Simon’s first camping trip! We adore him!
“Paul Simon” (Rider x Lily)
The puppy has settled in just fine. She is great in the crate at night and loves the park next to our home. She is the perfect addition to our family. We couldn’t thank you enough for the joy she has brought to our lives.
“Paisley” (Rider x Lily)

Bodie is an awesome hunting dog. Mark is loving having his hunting buddy and even the two guides have been super impressed
“Bodie” (Chip x Belle)
Sonsie is amazing…we’re still over the moon about her. She’s our fifth Labrador (since we’ve been together) and we’re both convinced that she’s the best…intelligent and loads of personality.
“Sonsie” (Boz x Ouija)

Here is Scotch on his first family hike. We are loving him!!
“Scotch” (Boz x Ouija)
Frost is an amazing swimmer and retriever. He seems to never stop. And he loves water retrieving much more than land. Looks like we’ll have to keep the pool open well into November.
“Frost” (Boz x Ouija)

[She’s] a wonderful addition to our family. Thank you again
“Emma” (Gamble x Jazzy)
Kacey is adjusting quite well; he slept with us first 2 nites and now goes right to his own bed. Gets much exercise from the grand kids running around the back yard! And does he like to get wet! Thank us so much for such a beautiful sweet pup.
“Kasey” (Gamble x Jazzy)

“Ladybird” (Gamble x Jazzy)
Dooley is great. He has turned into an amazing hunting dog. He has been promoted to guard dog to my new baby girl. Hope you like the pictures!
“Dooley” (Gamble x Jazzy)

Just wanted to send a quick note about Jack. He’s a great pup, loving, active, funny, listens well. He’s sleeping well in his crate each night and almost totally house trained. He obeys the come command, still getting comfortable on the leash.
“Jack” (Gamble x Jazzy)
“Skye” (Gamble x Jazzy)

Everything is going really well and he has made himself right at home. He and my German Sheppard are really good friends they took to each other right off. He is doing well at retrieving wings and feathers and we try to do that a couple of times a day. We are enrolled in puppy kindergarten but it won’t start for another month.
“Cap” (Breaker x Lily)
Just wanted to send you a few updated pics of Bella since she is officially 2. She is such a great dog.
“Bella” (Breaker x Lily)

Sorry I hadn’t gotten you more pictures and updates on Mia and Diesel sooner. Just wanted to send more to you and let you know they are doing awesome! We love Mia so much and she has definitely grown attached to us all. I think at this point she has lost all her baby teeth and probably weighs close to 50lbs.
Again thank you so much for the joy you have brought to our family with these wonderful dogs. I think if it’s possible for dogs to smile and show happiness, they do so 24/7!
“Mia” (Chip x Belle)
“Willis” (Boz x Seeker)

Doc is a champion. Pheasant hunting yesterday 12 retrieves for 12 birds. 4 retrieves over 200 yards in soaring roosters. [There were also] wild mallards I shot on my pond. He has also retrieved several doves we shot here.
“Doc” (Boz x Seeker)
Things are going great with us and our sweet Bodie. Beckham keeps saying “Bodie is just the best” which is so cute coming from a 2 year old. He continues to amaze us with how smart he is – on his own he started climbing up the kids’ little play structure and coming down the slide. He is retrieving toys/balls like crazy. Waiting until we release him by saying “fetch” and the list goes on and on and on. He is incredible! We are all LOVING him. What a blessing he is to our family.
“Bodie” (Chip x Belle)

His temperament is great and he loves playing with other dogs at the park, and chasing the ball. We hope he’ll take to the water this summer – that will be fun.
“Fenway” (Chip x Belle)
Scooby has been doing great….he is struggling a little with the house training but is doing better at night. He has made new friends with the neighbor’s dogs… He gets a lot of praises and awes when we go anywhere with him.
“Scooby” (Chip x Belle)

Kibo continues to be the best big brother ever to his little sister, Belle. She’s almost one now and is always happy to see Kibo.
“Kibo” (Chip x Cotti)
In addition to all his other titles, Jackson is on his way to his HRC Started title.
“Jackson” (Chuck x Arwen)

If you’d like to add your Justamere Ranch puppy, please use the contact form and include your email address so we can contact you about sending some photos to share.