Named for her birthplace in Georgia, Chicka made a name for herself running in field trials.

Chicka's early years

Her intense retrieving drive was apparent while she was still with her littermates. Her owner said, "She would whirl, twirl and do somersaults" to retrieve anything thrown.

At four months she won a Puppy Stake against dogs more than twice her age.  She did it by swimming across a large pond full of sticks and lily pads.

Her career

At a bit over two years old, she won the first of three Double Headers. In all, she qualified six times for the National Open and seven times for the National Amateur. She was a finalist four times.

In 2004, she won the National Amateur with her owner, Lynne, handling.

Lynne described the fifth series, "There were 4 marks, 2 of which were flyers and 2 dead bird-retired marks. The longest of which was about 200 yards. The flyers were visually close to each other and a high number of dogs had to be handled. It was a beautiful series set in a hay bale field with interesting terrain but the hay bales did confuse the dogs. We had all kinds of weather...from hot to cold and rain to sun, plus difficult winds. Additionally, it was a 'mixed bag' of birds, which is the most difficult form of retrieval in terms of game. The dogs become keyed into the scent of the first bird retrieved. Then have to re-focus on very different scent for subsequent birds of different species. It really was a make or break series."


What makes Chicka's career even more impressive is the injuries she overcame. In one surgery, she had two ruptured lumbar spinal discs removed. Another surgery was a total replacement of her right hip. She spent more time in rehab than in training in the 2-1/2 years before her National win.

Chicka was also featured in a magazine for disabled sports men and women.


2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac CNFC CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech CFC Rascal's Super Spud
Itch's Flying Tiger
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QAA Trieven El Conquistador
Skookum's Sky Raider
Lazer's Razor Sharp MH FC AFC Donnybrooks Rocky Road FC AFC Connies Little Thunder
Raintree Farms Mint Julep
Snakes Midnight Lazer MH Spider Man II
Snake's Whistling Wind

Extended pedigree

Famous relatives

Chicka was sired by Ebonstar Lean Mac and out out of Lazer's Razor Sharp MH. She also descends from NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief (Hall Of Fame) and his relatives:

  • FC AFC Air Express HOF
  • FC AFC Ithin' To Go
  • FC AFC CFC Trieven Thunderhead HOF
  • CNFC FC Wanapum Darts Garbo
  • Super Powder QAA

There are many other great Labs in her pedigree, including National Field Champions and National Amateur Field Champions. Some have also been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Plus there are show champions, English imports and dual champions, including 3xNFC CFC Dual Ch Shed of Arden HOF.

Although she may be the best known dog in her litter, there are other titled dogs. Her brother, Law Abiding Ezra, earned his FC and AFC plus an Obedience Trial Championship (OTCH). Ezra also sired a daughter who earned her OTCH plus UDX2 and MH.

Other siblings have field championship and/or hunt test titles. Then you could spend hours looking through the list of half-siblings sired by her father.

NAFC FC Chickamauga Choo Choo

Whelped:  May 21, 1996
Died:  Dec 5, 2008
Owners:  Lynne and Mac DuBose, Hillsborough, NC
Breeders:  Vincent and Phyllis Garner
Registration:  SN36231305

34 Derby points
QAA before 2 years old
3x Double Header winner
64.5 Open points
120 Amateur points
National Amateur Field Champion
2012 Retriever Hall of Fame

CH - Show Championship
FC - Field Championship
AFC - Amateur Field Championship
NFC - National Field Champion
NAFC - National Amateur Field Champion
CFC - Canadian Field Championship
CAFC - Canadian Amateur Field Championship
CNFC - Canadian National Field Champion
Double-header - to win both the Open and Amateur stakes at the same field trial
QAA - Qualified All-Age
MH - Master Hunter
OTCH - Obedience Trial Championship
UDX - Utility Dog Excellent obedience title
HOF - Hall of Fame

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

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