

Arwen - a black Labrador Retriever
Versatile Producer of Merit award earned by a black Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever Club’s
Versatile Producer of Merit

Black Labrador Retriever female

Health certifications:

OFA Excellent (hips)
OFA Normal (elbows)
CERF (eyes)

prcd-PRA Clear (blindness)
CNM Clear (muscle myopathy)
EIC Clear (exercise induced collapse)

Notable achievements:

Earned her 12th title – Novice Barn Hunt (RATN) – at 12 years old!

Received the Labrador Retriever Club’s Versatile Producer of Merit award (only the third dog to earn it)

Received the Labrador Retriever Club’s Dog For All Reasons award

Four time recipient of the Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Denver’s Retriever Achiever award

Received the LRCGD’s Multi-Purpose Retriever award

Show pointed and a Conformation Certificate award recipient

Dam of hunt test, obedience and Rally title holders and a breed champion


HRCH Justamere Chocolate Chip CD TDX SH RAE CGC
Pasion’s Big Kahuna Tank Marusich
Aspen Marusich
Pasion’s Liliokalani Cox’s Snickers Bar
Lady Trixie Larue
Knight’s Tail Dehlia JH
FC-AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky FC-AFC Canis Major’s River Bear
Timberlane Samantha
Knight’s Tail of Emily SH AFC Westwind’s Shadow of Hope
Erin’s Edge Hard Case

Starting her competition career

Arwen is a wonderful competitor and started off by passing the Canine Good Citizen test at 10 months of age. Then she began running hunt tests and added obedience and Rally competition.

Waiting to retrieve her bird

Learning to be steady to wing and shot. You can almost hear her thoughts:

“Focus. Watch the bird all the way to the ground. Stay seated until sent.

“Aw, c’mon! Let me get it!”

Winning second place and earning her first Companion Dog (CD) obedience leg at the LRCGD specialty. Thanks to judge, CJ Everett!

1st CD obedience leg
Awards from the Labrador national specialty

Arwen shows off the awards she received at the 2004 Labrador Retriever National Specialty. She earned:

  • two more qualifying scores in obedience to finish her CD title
  • a Junior Hunter pass to finish her JH title
  • a 3rd place in her conformation class under judge Marjorie Satterthwaite (Lawnwood)
  • a Conformation Certificate with judge Barbara Holl saying that Arwen was “good moving, sound.”
  • a Dog For All Reasons award.

Check out Arwen earning her first Upland Hunter pass at the Central Rockies Hunting Retriever Club test.

During a chilly HRC Upland Hunt, a chuckar landed on my truck. He didn’t seem afraid of Arwen, but maybe he knew hunting season wasn’t open.

Chuckar lands on the windshield in front of a Labrador Retriever
Honoring the working dog at a Finished hunt test

Honoring the working dog at an HRC Finished hunt test near Cheyenne. June 2012.

Watching the first bird of a triple retrieve during a training session. Arwen is focused and steady.

Field training. Arwen watches the first bird of a triple retrieve

Beyond hunt tests

Still dove hunting at 10-1/2 years old

Dove hunting at 10-1/2 years old. She was still an awesome hunting partner!

My friend, Tom, and his dog Woody joined us. Read about our dove hunting adventures.

In the off-season she shows her hunting prowess – hunting rats.

It’s fitting that she earned her 12th title at 12 years old, a Barnhunt RATN. Like her dad, she’s an Energizer Bunny!

Hunting rats in Barnhunt
Checking newborn puppies

Nearly 15 years old, Arwen checks on her newborn great grandbabies. Parents – Wynk and Logan.

I was cleaning house – having to move ribbons around to dust – and got reminiscing about everything Arwen accomplished. I’m so proud of my girl!

In between having three litters of beautiful puppies, she finished:

  • Companion Dog obedience title
  • Junior and Senior Hunter field titles
  • Hunting Retriever and Hunting Retriever Champion field titles
  • Rally Novice, Rally Advanced, and Rally Excellent titles
  • Canine Good Citizen Award
  • Conformation Certificate.

3/16/2003 – 12/4/2017
The next time I meet you will be at Heaven’s door
You’ll be there to meet me and I will cry no more.
I’ll put my arms around you and kiss your lovely face
and then this broken heart of mine will fall back into place.

Mon coeur, mon bijou

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

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All rights reserved.


Website by: Exede Digital

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