Black Lab female, Cat
Black Lab retrieving a bumper

Black Labrador Retriever female (BB)

Health certifications:

OFA good (hips)
OFA normal (elbows)
CERF (eyes)

prcd-PRA clear (blindness)
CNM clear (muscle myopathy)
EIC clear (exercise induced collapse)


Am Mex CH GMHR Cook’s Midnight Bandit MH
Am Mex CH JanWood’s Secret Agent CD WC
CH Mallard’s Flying Cloud of JanRod WC
CH JanWood’s Lady Perkins WC
CH Alvgarden Mischiefmaker of JanRod JH WC
Int’l Nord Dutch CH Alvgardens Valle
Swed DUAL & Fin CH Alvgarden’s X-Princess
Clubmead’s Dark Crystal JH
FC AFC CFC CAFC DB’s Cracker of Club Mead
2x NAFC 2x CNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
Duffglenn’s Sparks Will Fly QAA
Floodbay’s Caramel Crystal WCX FC AFC CNAFC CFC Gunstock’s Caramel Crunch
BJ’s Crystal Light Brigade

Justamere Catalyst, or “Cat” for short, is a wonderful blend of field and show lines. Her sire, “Bandit,” is the true dual-purpose Lab – whether winning in the breed ring or picking up triple marks and tough blinds. Cat’s dam, “Raven,” was a good-looking field Lab with several national champion ancestors.

She is also an awesome producer! Watch for her kids in all the various venues.

Black Lab female

Cat has earned her Rally titles in straight passes. She also earned a Conformation Certificate. Breeder-judges, Linda Vaughn and Linda Ciancio, said that she has a “nice outline with good rear angulation [and] clean movement.”

Cat loved to retrieve bumpers or birds!

Black Labrador retrieving a bumper
Black Labrador with her new puppy

Because the timing was off slightly, she only had one puppy in her first litter. This is Belle.

The second time around she had EIGHT black puppies sired by Tory.

Thanks Peggy for giving Cat such a great home!

Godspeed Cat.

3/12/2005 – 3/22/2019

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

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All rights reserved.


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