Justamere Duck Duck Goose
Chocolate Labrador Retriever female
Health certifications:
OFA pending (hips)
OFA pending (elbows)
CERF/CAER (eyes)
prcd-PRA clear by parentage (blindness)
CNM clear by parentage (muscle myopathy)
EIC clear by parentage (exercise induced collapse)
D-locus clear by parentage (dilute)
GCH CH Simerdown’s Spin Doctor “Bogey” |
CH Simerdown’s Dr Pepper “Doc” |
CH Naiken Indian Temple MH |
Jenivelle’s Princess Tyonek | ||
Saddlehill Beshire Sweet Molasses “Mo” |
GCH CH Big Sky’s Stone Kutter | |
Saddlehill Beshire Spring Sparkle | ||
SHR Justamere Wynken Blynken WC “Wynk” |
GCH Domenico Brunet RN CGC “Bruno” |
Am Can CH Chablais Cornelius |
Nirvana’s Blue Lotus | ||
SHR Justamere Tisket A Tasket RN CC “Tisket” |
CH UCH SHR Big Skys Justamere Lido Shuffle WC | |
Justamere Quidditch |
Even though she’s show-bred, her retrieving instincts are strong.
She’s a Labrador after all and food is at the top of the list of her favorite things. I’m just waiting for her to start twirling on a mountain.
Sugar and spice? Not so much.
She’s more “snips and snails and puppy dog tails!”
All grown up, Goose retrieved her bumper and thundered back during a training day.
Taken from us too soon.
The inexperienced veterinarian didn’t know how to treat her and what she tried didn’t work.
It wasn’t Parvo, but rather a fungal infection in her lungs after digging in a red ant hill.
August 1, 2020 – September 10, 2022