
Justamere Duck Duck Goose

Chocolate English-style Labrador head study
Chocolate Labrador puppy learning how to walk on a leash

Chocolate Labrador Retriever female

Health certifications:

OFA pending (hips)
OFA pending (elbows)
CERF/CAER (eyes)

prcd-PRA clear by parentage (blindness)
CNM clear by parentage (muscle myopathy)
EIC clear by parentage (exercise induced collapse)
D-locus clear by parentage (dilute)


GCH CH Simerdown’s Spin Doctor
CH Simerdown’s Dr Pepper
CH Naiken Indian Temple MH
Jenivelle’s Princess Tyonek
Saddlehill Beshire Sweet Molasses
GCH CH Big Sky’s Stone Kutter
Saddlehill Beshire Spring Sparkle
SHR Justamere Wynken Blynken WC
GCH Domenico Brunet RN CGC
Am Can CH Chablais Cornelius
Nirvana’s Blue Lotus
SHR Justamere Tisket A Tasket RN CC
CH UCH SHR Big Skys Justamere Lido Shuffle WC
Justamere Quidditch
Chocolate Labrador puppy practicing retrieving

Even though she’s show-bred, her retrieving instincts are strong.

She’s a Labrador after all and food is at the top of the list of her favorite things. I’m just waiting for her to start twirling on a mountain.

Chocolate Labrador puppy licking her lips and hoping for a treat
Chocolate Lab puppy with a sparkle in her eye and a toy to play with.

Sugar and spice? Not so much.

She’s more “snips and snails and puppy dog tails!”

All grown up, Goose retrieved her bumper and thundered back during a training day.

Chocolate Lab running back with her bumper

Taken from us too soon.
The inexperienced veterinarian didn’t know how to treat her and what she tried didn’t work.
It wasn’t Parvo, but rather a fungal infection in her lungs after digging in a red ant hill.

August 1, 2020 – September 10, 2022

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

© 2025 Justamere Ranch
All rights reserved.


Website by: Exede Digital

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