
SHR Justamere Jazz Singer CD JH RE CGC WC CC

Head study of a classic black Lab
A Labrador Retriever big water entry to retrieve a duck

Black Labrador Retriever

Health certifications:

OFA Excellent (hips)
OFA Normal (elbows)
CERF (eyes)

prcd-PRA Clear (blindness)
CNM Clear (muscle myopathy)
EIC Clear (exercise induced collapse)

Notable achievements:

Earned her Companion Dog (CD) obedience title and placed each time.

Finished Rally Novice, Rally Advanced and Rally Excellent titles by winning 5 Firsts, 3 Seconds, and a Fourth place.
She was never out of the ribbons and even had a perfect score.

Earned her Started Hunting Retriever and Junior Hunter titles with four straight passes each.

Received the Achiever Dog award for earning a qualifying score in three different sports: obedience, Rally and hunt tests.

Earned a Canine Good Citizen Award.

Qualified for the Labrador Retriever Club’s Conformation Certificate.


Dickendall Peacekeeper JH
Dutch CH Trendmakers Tycoon
Dutch CH Trendmakers Mugwump
Trendmakers Traffic Jam
Dickendall Davaron Peaceful CH Dickendall Arnold
Pucketts Ping Pong
HRCH Justamere Chocolate Chip CD TDX SH RAE CGC
Pasion’s Big Kahuna
Pasion’s Liliokalani
Knight’s Tail Dehlia JH
FC-AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky
Knight’s Tail of Emily SH

Jazzy comes from a field/show cross breeding. Her mom, Arwen, is our multi-talented girl. Her dad, Dickendall Peacekeeper “Chuck”, is a gorgeous show-bred boy who loves to retrieve.

She is also my Mexican jumping bean. When she’s excited she rarely barks, but instead jumps straight up. Over and over! What excites her? Retrieving. Bumpers, ducks, chuckar, pheasant. Even a ball. She loves ’em all!

Studying conformation of an English Lab

Jazzy at 7 weeks showing her nice structure.

Jazzy loves field work

Final retrieve for her Working Certificate

Black Lab retrieving a duck out of a pond

Photo by Carolyn Tremer

Junior Hunter pass at a retriever hunt test

Giving the obligatory wet-the-handler shake after passing her first Junior Hunter test.

Finishing up her Started title – Jazzy loves birds and retrieving and swimming!

Black Labrador Retriever finishing a water retrieve
Labrador training for upland bird hunting

Getting ready to work the field and flush some chuckar at the training day with the Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club.

Yes, it was cold!

Jazzy finished her JH title with back-to-back passes at the very warm Las Vegas Hunting Retriever Club test.

Thanks to judges Richard Cole and Randy Smith for day 1 and Jeff Baldwin and Eric Fryer for day 2 and the title!

Black Lab, Jazzy, finishing her Junior Hunter title with back-to-back passes

She’s also happy to work in the ring

Two black Labs earning Rally obedience titles

On the right, Jazzy is shown finishing her Rally Novice title under judge Gina Grissom with a 1st place. While Tisket earned her first Rally Novice pass with third place.

Jazzy finished all three Rally titles earning nine passes in 55 days and was never out of the ribbons.

Three passes in Rally Novice, including a first, a second with a perfect score and a fourth to title. The next day she stepped up to compete in Rally Advanced. She titled with two firsts and a second place.

With some practice on tougher stations, she ran Rally Excellent and titled with two firsts and a second place. During that time she also earned her first Novice obedience pass with a third place win.

Black Lab wtih her prizes for winning first place in Rally Excellent competition.
Finishing her CD obedience title with a 1st place

We had a great weekend! Jazzy finished her CD obedience title with a second place on Saturday and a first place on Sunday.

Jazzy had great scores and they were good enough to have the lead for High in Trial. It lasted until a dog in Utility turned in a blazing performance and knocked us out by a few points. Oh well! Jazzy still got a special hamburger!

Jazzy says, “I’ll hold it for you, but I can’t put my ears up at the same time!”

She was Runner Up in a Memorial Day photo contest.

A patriotic black Labrador Retriever on Memorial Day

3/21/2008 – 8/29/2018

God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be,
so he put his arms around you, and whispered
“Come to me.”

I miss you Jazzy.

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

© 2025 Justamere Ranch
All rights reserved.


Website by: Exede Digital

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