
UCH SHR JustamereFleur-de-Lis CD RE CGC WC CC

Black Lab sired by CH Cook
Justamere Fleur-de-Lis

Black Labrador Retriever female (Bc)

Health certifications:

OFA excellent (hips)
CERF (eyes)
prcd-PRA clear by parentage (blindness)

CNM clear (muscle myopathy)
EIC carrier (exercise induced collapse)

Notable achievements:

Finished her show championship (UKC) and the first time back in the ring she won Best of Breed

Earned all three Rally titles in straight passes with several placements

Earned her CD title in straight passes, even winning her class

Finished her Started Hunting Retriever (SHR) title


Am Mex CH GMHR Cook’s Midnight Bandit MH
Am Mex CH JanWood’s Secret Agent CD WC
CH Mallard’s Flying Cloud of JanRod WC
CH JanWood’s Lady Perkins WC
CH Alvgarden Mischiefmaker of JanRod JH WC
Int’l Nord Dutch CH Alvgardens Valle
Swed DUAL & Fin CH Alvgarden’s X-Princess
HRCH UH Justamere Arwen CD SH RE RATN CGC CC “Arwen” HRCH Justamere Chocolate Chip CD TDX SH RAE CGC
Pasion’s Big Kahuna
Pasion’s Liliokalani
Knight’s Tail Dehlia JH
FC-AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky
Knight’s Tail of Emily SH

Lily is a daughter of “Bandit” – one of the few CH / MH – out of our Dog For All Reasons “Arwen.”

Lily started off her career by passing the Canine Good Citizen evaluation and then earning a perfect score in Rally. She also finished her UKC Championship with several Best of Winner awards.

She’s multi talented and will continue competing in obedience, Rally and field. Who knows what else she might tackle!

Competing in her first dog show as a puppy

Lily’s first show as a baby. She performed like a trooper! Then she won back-to-back Best of Winners, followed by a Reserve.

Watch out for this girl!

During Lily’s first weekend of performance events, she won 2nd place twice in Rally Novice.

On Saturday she earned a perfect 100 points and lost out in the tie-breaker by 3/100s of a second. Can you say blink of an eye? On Sunday, she earned 99 points and wound up in a 3-way tie for first place. She was 6/100s of a second slower than the first place finisher. What a great start!

Showing off her dog show trophy and ribbons
Lily finished her show championship

Lily finishes her UKC Championship  under Sally Lynn!!

During a break in the snow, Lily had a chance to practice her retrieving. Watch for her at a hunt test soon.

She loves retrieving birds or bumpers
Willing to do anything I asked, Lily sat waiting for the word to slide down ramp

Slide down this thing? Okay. A half-gainer too? I’ve been watching the Olympics, ya know.

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

© 2025 Justamere Ranch
All rights reserved.


Website by: Exede Digital

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