The Labrador Retriever was reintroduced to America in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Some early Labrador kennels helped the breed become popular. These included:

Below is an alphabetical list of early kennels in America.

Early Labrador Kennels

Kennel Name Owner Location
Aldenholme Mrs Barbara Barty-King Massachusetts
Alvaleigh JHL Fisher, Mrs Alva S Robinson Maryland
Arden Hon. Averell Harriman New York
Ashur Mrs Johnson Smith New York
Bankhurst Dr George D Patton Colorado
Barnegat Alfred E Johnson Jr New Jersey
Barn Hill Richard B Ross New York
Bay Shore Mrs Russell G Merriman Vermont
Bellota Mr and Mrs Richard Reeve Arizona
Bergee Mr and Mrs MJ Leclerc Illinois
Big Talk EP Landwehr Michigan
Bijiminy Mr and Mrs JB Deuel California
Black Point Mr and Mrs Daniel E Pomeroy New Jersey
Blake Franklin B Lord New York
Bluefield Hiram BD Blauvelt New Jersey
Broadfen Mr and Mrs Gaylord Donnelley Illinois
Caniston Mrs John Griswold Pennsylvania
Casa Audlon Mr and Mrs MB Wallace Jr Missouri
Caumsett Marshall Field New York
Cheam Col Andrew M Naismith British Columbia
Chidley Mrs Curtis Read New York
Cinar E Roland Harriman New York
Coaltown Robert D Cowen Ohio
Cutbank Mrs Curtis Munson District of Columbia
Dairy Hill Mr and Mrs AA Jones California
Deer Creek Mr and Mrs Paul Bakewell III Missouri
Dela-Winn Mr and Mrs Harley A Butler Wisconsin
Del Monte Sol Mrs LT Konopak New Mexico
Dolobran Clement A Griscom III Pennsylvania
Ducklore Arthur C Storz Nebraska
Duckwind A Wells Wilbor Minnesota
Dunottar Mr and Mrs Henry S Morgan New York
Earlsmoor Dr and Mrs Samuel Milbank New York
Elsted Edwin M Bulkley Jr Connecticut
Fairmount Karl F Bruch Ohio
Freehaven James L Free California
Giralda Farms Mrs M Hartley Dodge New Jersey
Glennspey Cpt John L Graham New Jersey
Grangemead Mr and Mrs TW Merritt Illinois
Greeymar Stephen M Greey Toronto
Harpersbrook Shadow Palmer K Leberman New York
Holly Bank Mr and Mrs CL Roberts Pennsylvania
How-Hi Mr and Mrs Howes Burton New York
Hurricane Mr and Mrs Wm L Austin New York
Inkstone Mrs Robert E Smith Jr California
Invail Mr and Mrs CV Brokaw Jr New York
Jibodad James W Bryan Jr Washington
Kidwell John McKenney Maryland
Kilsyth Mrs Gerald M Livingston New York
Labappy Dr George D Massey Oregon
Lallinden Mr and Mrs Albert P Loening New York
Land Fall Rear-Adm and Mrs CL Andrews Jr Rhode Island
Larchmont Dr HBK Willis California
Latch-up Arthur M Lewis New York
Lockerbie Mr and Mrs James Warwick New Jersey
Lonely Acres Roland H Simmon New York
Macopin Mr and Mrs George Murnane New York
Mae-Don Mr and Mrs Don P Smith California
Manzanal Edward R Spaulding California
Marvadel Mr and Mrs J Gould Remick New York
Maryland Mrs Theodore Gould Maryland
Mill Cove Arthur Gwynne New York
Money Bogge DeWitt Peterkin New York
Moongate HVP Lewis Toronto
Mortime Mrs Carl Mortimer Connecticut
Nelgard Dr and Mrs GH Gardner Illinois
Newry Mrs Joseph J Haggerty New York
Nic-O-Bet Hugh Nichols California
Nilo John M Olin Illinois
Niskayuma Mr and Mrs LS Greenleaf Jr Connecticut
Nissequogue Alden S Blodget New York
Nogero Alfred H Schmidt Oregon
Norias Walter C Teagle Connecticut
Oakwood AE Jolivet Victoria
Odd's Fury Albert Winslow New York
Paumanok Mrs Gerald M Thompson Florida
Point of View Horace K Horner New Jersey
Port Fortune Miss Jean G Hinkle Massachusetts
Rupert-Mt Mrs Carleton Howe Vermont
St George Henry Root Stern New York
Sanfray John Fraser Jr Wisconsin
Semloh George W Holmes Nebraska
Shoremeadow Mrs LJ Proby Washington
Snikeb Claude Bekins Washington
Stodford Mr and Mrs Alfred E Bissell Delaware
Strawberry Hill Mr and Mrs Fraser M Horn New York
Sugar Valley JA Stockwell Nebraska
Sumpawams Marshall W Picken New York
Squirrel Run Mrs S Hallock du Pont Delaware
Swinomish WJ Dahl Washington
Taramar Theodore A Rehm Massachusetts
Tarblood Harold Ruth Montana
Timber Town Mr and Mrs Halsey H Frederick Jr Pennsylvania
Tip Tree Marvin Chase New Jersey
Triever Point Mr and Mrs Sandy F MacKay California
Vigloma Mrs J Vincent O'Shea New York
Wardwyn Mrs Donald Curran New York
Warily Mrs Reginald M Lewis Maryland
Wells Point Mr and Mrs Alex J Cassatt Pennsylvania
Westcoast Dr Harry E Shoot Oregon
West Island Mr and Mrs Junius S Morgan New York
Whichway Mrs WH Howell New York
Whilaway Richard T Wharton Connecticut
Wildfield Mrs Eric Wood New York
Willoughby Mr and Mrs Dan R Hanna Ohio
Winford Mr and Mrs Emory M Ford Michigan
Winthrop House Sherburne, Prescott Connecticut
Wyan Dot Lewis E Pierson Jr New York
Wyndham Theo. P Grosvenor Rhode Island

Some Labs Bred By Early Breeders

Early 20th century black Labrador from Arden kennels

Dual Champion Gorse of Arden

Champion Labrador Retriever winning in the show ring

Champion Lockerbie Stanwood Granada

DUAL Champion Little Pierre of Deer Creek

Dual Champion Canadian Field Champion Little Pierre of Deer Creek

Famous Labrador Dual Champion Labrador Retriever - Grangemead Precocious

Dual Champion Grangemead Precocious

1956 Officers

President William K Laughlin

Vice President- Eastern Clifford V Brokaw Jr
Vice President-Mid-West Dr George H Gardner
Vice President-Pacific Coast Sandy F MacKay

Secretary/Treasurer CA Griscom III

Director Paul Bakewell III
Director Claude Bekins
Director Guthrie Bicknell
Director JH Lee Fisher
Director AA Jones
Director TW Merritt
Director Dr Samuel Milbank
Director Junius S Morgan
Director Lewis E Pierson Jr
Director J Gould Remick
Director A Wells Wilbor
and all the officers


Information courtesy of:

The Labrador Retriever Club
25th Edition

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

© 2025 Justamere Ranch
All rights reserved.


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