Completing Tisket's hunt test title

We ran in the hunt test at Indian Meadows in Snyder, Colorado. Tisket only needed two passes to complete her Started hunt test title (SHR), so she was entered both days.

The first land mark on Saturday was in fairly heavy cover and a bit shorter than what we'd practiced. Many dogs, including Tisket, overran the mark and had to work their way back, while honoring their noses. Tisket ran back and forth where she thought the bird had dropped, to try to pick up the scent. You could tell when she caught the scent because her nose looked like it had been snagged by a fishhook.

Kathy, Marcie (with Clooney) and Troy

She ran straight to the second mark - "stepped on it" - and brought the bird back to me. The land marks were done, next up were the water marks!

Big water entry to retrieve a bird

The water marks were set up at the end of a spit of land. The first mark was across a channel into a marshy area to give a slight splash when the birds landed. The second mark was to the left in open water on a good-sized pond.

Tisket did great on the first mark, except she had to check the decoys on the way back. She never dropped her bird, but had to bump each decoy with her nose to make sure it wasn't real.

The open water swim was out and back, despite the slight chop due to the wind.

Another pass for Tisket!

Wynk's first hunt test

On Sunday we started with the water marks and Tisket's daughter, Wynk, got to run for the first time.

Both marks were across a channel - wider than yesterday's location - and onto a sandy bank with sparse grass.

Tisket was out and back quickly on both birds. Very nice retrieves.

Wynk came out raring to go! There wasn't room for a running start, but she leaped into the water with a big entry and picked up each bird in turn. No time wasted hunting around - she knew exactly where her birds were.

On to the land marks for both girls!

Wynk says, "I can do both - field dog and show dog."

It was hot and starting to get muggy with a thunderstorm brewing to the west. Didn't bother either girl in the least.

Tisket ran first again. Out, scoop up the bird and back in no time. The second bird landed in a little swale and she overran it by a yard or two. But she turned quickly, scooped it up and brought it back to me. No question she picked up another pass and that was enough for her title!

Wynk came out raring to go again. Good, because I was wilting with the heat and humidity. Although she's not very tall, she motored her way to each mark and surprised a few people with her speed. Out and back quickly on the first mark. Slide and turn as she tried to pick up the second bird without stopping. No question; she likes this game!

People at hunt tests are like Labs - fun and happy to help!

Overall, great weekend.Platte Valley HRC's club members, helpers, and judges did a good job.

Tisket finished her title, Wynk got her first pass and my truck didn't stay stuck for long!

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

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