Mouse. What a name for a Labrador.

It's memorable. Probably a good thing for a Hall of Fame dog.

I love the story of how Charlie and Yvonne Hays acquired him. They saw him in South Carolina when he was a young dog chasing fun bumpers. He beat his kennel mates to the bumpers and Charlie was so impressed he offered to buy him. The owner told him that he thought he was sold and the check should be in the mail.

So Charlie asked, "Mind if I check the mailbox?"



Born on Christmas day in 1973, Candlewoods Mad Mouse qualified for and ran in his first National Open as a TWO year old. He was not yet titled, but made it to the seventh series handled by his owner. He finished both FC and AFC titles the following year.

He won a double header - winning both the Open and Amateur stake in the same trial.

He qualified for eight National Amateur trials and was a finalist in four. He also qualified for six National Open trials and competed in five. At the time of his death, he was the all-time high point yellow Labrador.

Mouse also ran field trials in Canada where he earned his CFC and CAFC as well.

In 1994 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Mouse died in October 1984. He "... was known for his intelligence and his wagging tail. He was both a great field trial dog and a wonderful house pet."



2xNAFC FC River Oaks Rascal (Hall of Fame) 2xNAFC 3xCNFC FC River Oaks Corky (Hall of Fame) FC Martens Mister Nifty
Don's Ginny Soo
Random Rapscallion FC CFC Duxbak Scooter (Hall of Fame)
Random Shot
Shamrock Acres Duck Soup NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief (Hall of Fame) FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II (Hall of Fame)
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen NFC FC Marten's Little Smoky
Shamrock Acres Starlight

Extended pedigree

Mouse was inducted into the Hall of Fame, as were his father, both grandfathers and two of his great grandfathers. Also four of the dogs in his three-generation pedigree were National Champions, some winning multiple times.

His Father

2xNAFC FC River Oaks Rascal
Hall of Fame

NAFC FC River Oaks Rascal - a Hall of Fame labrador

His Paternal Grandfather

2xNAFC 3xCNFC FC River Oaks Corky
Hall of Fame

River Oaks Corky, a prepotent field trial champion

His Maternal Grandfather

NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
Hall of Fame

Black Labrador Super Chief - a National Champion and Hall of Fame Lab

By the way, for those of you who know I'm fascinated with the DUAL CHAMPIONS, here's who shows up just a bit farther back in Mouse's pedigree.

  • Martens Mister Nifty was a great grandson (and great great grandson) of Can DUAL CH Coastal Charger of Deer Creek.
  • Don's Ginny Soo was a granddaughter of DUAL CH Grangemead Precocious (by 3xNFC CFC DUAL CH Shed of Arden).
  • Random Shot was sired by DUAL CH AFC Alpine Cherokee Rocket (by DUAL CH Cherokee Buck by DUAL CH Grangemead Precocious by 3xNFC CFC DUAL CH Shed of Arden).
  • Paha-Sapa Chief was a grandson of DUAL CH Grangemead Precocious (by 3xNFC CFC DUAL CH Shed of Arden).
  • Ironwood Cherokee Chica was sired by DUAL CH Cherokee Buck (by DUAL CH Grangemead Precocious by 3xNFC CFC DUAL CH Shed of Arden). And she was out of a granddaughter of Can DUAL CH Coastal Charger of Deer Creek.
  • Marten's Little Smoky was a great grandson of DUAL CH Grangemead Precocious.
  • Shamrock Acres Starlight was a grand daughter of DUAL CH Dela-Winn's Tar of Craignook (a little known DC).

Although not a DUAL CH, Duxbak Scooter's grandmother was Eng Can CH Sandylands Jilly who is also an ancestor of Ebonstar Lean Mac (among others).


  • FC AFC Hellda Dolly (ex Ishtar's Raider)
  • AFC Kizzie of Southern Comfort (ex Agassiz Shores Coli-Ann CD)
  • AFC CAFC Minnie Mouse (ex Belmars Black Castle) When Minnie was bred to AFC Westwinds Pedro, they produced CNFC CNAFC FC AFC The Marathon Man (Hall of Fame).

Mouse's line continues through yet another daughter, BJ's Crystal Light Brigade (out of BJ's Dawn of Early Morning, a show-bred bitch of mostly Shamrock Acres breeding). And their daughter, Floodbay's Caramel Crystal WCX (by FC AFC CNAFC CFC Gunstock's Caramel Crunch) and their daughter, Clubmead's Dark Crystal JH (by FC AFC CFC CAFC DB's Cracker of Club Mead). Dark Crystal, better known as "Raven," was a dog I owned. When bred to BISS Am Mex CH GMHR Cook's Midnight Bandit MH, she produced Justamere Canis Major JH and Justamere Catalyst RA CGC CC. Many more dogs descend from these two littermates.

Another link to Mouse is through his 3/4 brother, FC AFC Canis Major's River Bear. Bear was also sired by Rascal and out of a daughter of Super Chief. In turn, he was the sire of FC AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky who figured prominently in our early dogs, including Arwen, Tory and Cotti, through his daughter Dee.

FC AFC CFC CAFC Candlewoods Mad Mouse

Yellow Labrador male
Breeder: Mary Howley (Candlewood)
Owner: Charlie and Yvonne Hays
Born: Dec 25, 1973
Died: Oct 1984
Registration: SB538973

Justamere Ranch

Dual Purpose Labrador Retrievers

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